Policy Research and Collaboration Organization
       The African Center for Economic Growth
INCLUSION  Financial Inclusion
Micro & Small Enterpise Development
Financial Inclusion
Regional Integration
Private Enterprise Development
Information Management

External resources or international aid, comprising both official and private aid, has nearly doubled since 2000. Nearly half of it has been allocated to sub-Saharan Africa. The international aid system has also undergone major structural transformation with rising number of players, various emphases, perspectives, and modalities for delivery of these resources. For many low-income developing countries, these resources represent substantial additional resources that augment and complement the country�s own domestic resources from tax and nontax revenues.

In many countries, official aid alone can account for as much as 10 to 20 percent of GDP, a level higher than domestic revenues in some cases. The high degree of sub-Saharan Africa�s external resource dependence has important implications for the country�s public financial management, government expenditure, domestic resource mobilization efforts, debt, macroeconomic management, as well as microeconomic resource allocation decisions.

ACEG�s research agenda under this theme will include inter alia diagnostic analyses and assessment in specific country context of constraints and opportunities available in promoting effective management of external resources for growth and development.

Issues for research under this theme include:

i. Analysis of the trend and structure of external resource flows in the country

ii. The role of external resources in economic development, evidence and experience of aid and development effectiveness

iii. External resources policy formulation and intra-governmental coordination and strategies for foreign aid policy and program negotiation in light the new aid partnership model

iv. Macroeconomic effects and management implication of large external resource flows and dependence

v. Effects of decentralization and non-governmental organizations on the delivery and coordination of external resource flows

vi. Financing issues: economic and financial evaluation of terms of different types of aid and implications on debt management
ACEG at a glance

This document gives you a snapshot of ACEG programs, along with resources, short bios of directors and senior staff, contact info, and answers to frequently asked questions

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EAC Study on the Rules of Origin [2012]

The East African Community (EAC) is currently negotiating an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Commission (EC) that replaces the Cotonou Agreement. In December 2007, EAC and EC entered into an interim Economic Partnership Agreement to govern trade between the two parties before a final agreement is reached. One of the major areas to be negotiated is the rules of origin (RoO) that are expected to apply to trade between EAC/EC and third parties. The purpose of the study was to propose simple (RoO) that would form the basis for the EPA negotiations between EAC and the EC. Read more..

Undertaken by: ACEG
Countries: EAC Countries
Project Director: Dr Nehemiah N’geno


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