Policy Research and Collaboration Organization
       The African Center for Economic Growth
Micro & Small Enterpise Development
Financial Inclusion
Regional Integration
Private Enterprise Development
Information Management
Program Focus Areas

The structural adjustment and political reforms adopted in recent years have led to fairly liberal economies and multi-party democracies in many African countries. However, these reforms albeit fundamental, have not produced significant impacts on the livelihoods of the majority of Africans who continue to live in abject poverty. Today, Africa is the only continent experiencing minimal reductions in poverty levels and income inequality.

The complexity of poverty in Africa manifests itself in the form of high prevalence of infant mortality, illiteracy, endemic diseases, famines and food insecurity which is made worse by civil conflicts. The depth of poverty in Africa is also skewed across gender, demographic groups and socio-economic strata. One of the negative consequences of poverty and inequality is the marginalization of the majority of the poor from the decision-making processes and their exclusion from participation both in the formulation and implementation of public policies.

ACEG�s Program Agenda seeks to address these vexing issues of poverty in Africa by enhancing government and public awareness of the policies that have the potential to combat poverty and promote Africa�s development based on a new paradigm of good political governance, deliberate and creative re-engineering of national institutional capacities, strategic integration at regional levels and promotion of competitiveness.

ACEG�s Program Agenda currently comprises six thematic areas, namely:

i. Poverty

ii. Equity

iii. Regional Integration

iv. Trade

v. Private Enterpise Development

vi. Good Governance

In addition to these thematic areas, cross-cutting topics like gender, environment, and use of ICT for socio-economic development are also of interest in the ACEG program agenda.

Research Strategy

ACEG�s projects are carried out by leading research and consultancy experts in various policy issues and topics. Objectivity and technical thoroughness are essential principles adhered to in the work of ACEG. The organization of work within ACEG allows the retention of only a skeleton in-house professional staff deployed to:

i. ensure technical thoroughness in the design of ACEG projects

ii. provide leadership and guidance to project and consultancy teams

iii. review project and consultancy outputs

iv. coordinate implementation of ACEG research activities
ACEG at a glance

This document gives you a snapshot of ACEG programs, along with resources, short bios of directors and senior staff, contact info, and answers to frequently asked questions

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EAC Study on the Rules of Origin [2012]

The East African Community (EAC) is currently negotiating an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Commission (EC) that replaces the Cotonou Agreement. In December 2007, EAC and EC entered into an interim Economic Partnership Agreement to govern trade between the two parties before a final agreement is reached. One of the major areas to be negotiated is the rules of origin (RoO) that are expected to apply to trade between EAC/EC and third parties. The purpose of the study was to propose simple (RoO) that would form the basis for the EPA negotiations between EAC and the EC. Read more..

Undertaken by: ACEG
Countries: EAC Countries
Project Director: Dr Nehemiah N’geno


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